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Mobile Projects

Parent Note (Up)


Over and above learning the theory behind developing android applications, completing a bunch of projects will truly make a difference to comfort with developing apps. Therefore I have chosen the following series of projects in order to develop my own super app.


In order to build my super app I would need to know a fair bit about android application development. Given how useful this app might be to me, I have decided to start working on the same before I have any understanding of how to develop apps. Therefore I have broken this mega project of mine into a series of smaller projects. I have intuitively divided it on the basis of the effort I think each step would take. In the process of building this super app, I hope to also learn a fair bit about developing mobile applications and my learning of computer science in general.

first android app

To begin with, I will try to create just a dummy placeholder app. In this I will put in different sections corresponding to dimensions recognised in my organisation notes. At a later stage I will try to build useful functionality into each section.

customise app layout

I will now try and develop my first android app further into the first version of my super app. In this version I don't expect to have any useful functionality. To this extent I aim to just customise the look of the app and create the basic set of sections that it will consist of.

adding links to the app

At this stage my app contains a few sections and either an empty skeleton or just notes on what I want to build. To start adding some functionality, my first step would be putting in buttons which link the super app to other apps or contain links to google sheets etc.

End of Note

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